CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020

CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020


Declan’s First Year | Two Months Old


Oct 6, 2023

Let me just start with this – two months old was WAY easier than one month old haha. Declan finally started getting 6+ hour stretches of sleep and actually eventually started sleeping through the night some! He has also recently gotten very vocal. He loves to make all kinds of noises and is super smiley. I love it so much!! He seems to be the most smiley when Ryan and I are smiling at him or talking to him, which is super sweet. The other major thing is that he started physical therapy this month. He’s had tightness in his neck on the right side since he was born and it became more apparent that he had torticollis the older he got. Unfortunately his preference for his right side during sleep had cause his head to get a pretty apparent flat spot on the back. This likely means he will need to be fitted for a helmet. We were hoping to avoid that, but at this point I don’t think it’s likely. So we’ll see how that goes when we get to it! As always, here are some highlights from this month!

• Declan is definitely more of a morning person – he is very smiley in the morning
• He does not enjoy doing his daily neck stretches, but usually tolerates it
• He is still a fan of contact naps as his main form of napping
• He got his 2-month shots and it was so sad, but we had lots of cuddles that night
• Declan started finding his hands and will often stare at them or suck on them
• His hair is still looking reddish and his eye turning brown
• Declan slept through the night for the first time on the 23rd
• He has started growing out of his 0-3 month clothes and mostly fits in 3M

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