Four months came and flew by! Little man is not so little anymore. We had his 4 month check-up and he is measuring in the 89% for height! Definitely gonna be tall like Ryan haha. He has also gotten SO smiley! He smiles all the time, especially when he first wakes up or while playing with his little singing elephant. This month Declan started daycare, which means he of course got sick :/ After only three days at daycare he got RSV from another kid in the infant room who had it. At first it was just a cough and some congestion, but eventually we had to take him to the after-hours doctor’s office to get him checked out since we could hear some congestion in his breathing. They did a chest X-Ray and it looked all good, but we did have to end up using an inhaler to break up some of that congestion. Baby inhalers are so strange! It had this tube where you insert the inhaler and then a little mask part at the other end that you put against his face. Then you puff the inhaler and hold it on his face for like 30 seconds to make sure they breathe it in. Luckily it seemed to help and he’s all better now!
So looking at our little bubba, here are some things from him at 4 months old I’d like to remember:
• Declan is a tall, but lean boy (although he has some serious thunder thighs)
• He makes so many high-pitched squealy noises now when he’s excited
• He is sleeping decently, still swaddled in the Snoo for now
• He hates when things cover his ears, which includes his beanie when it’s cold
• Declan has a pretty good grip now! He loves grabbing things and brining them to his mouth
• He officially started daycare at Kindercare on 11/6
• Declan spent his first Thanksgiving at Gigi and Papa’s up in Virginia with his Nina and Nino too
• He got to meet his great grandma Phyllis (Memaw) and he just smiled at her so much
• Declan giggled for the first time!! Seriously melted me.

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