CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020

CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020


How to Include Your Fur Babies in Your Session

Client Education

Mar 5, 2023

Couples ask me all the time if they can bring their dog to their engagement or portrait session. The answer is always OF COURSE! Your fluffy family members are always welcome and can make your session even that much more special. As a dog mama to three big, floofy boys I know just how you feel. And I know it can be daunting, especially if you aren’t sure how well-behaved they will be on the day of your session or wedding.

Here are a 6 tips to successfully include your pup in your photos!

  1. Bring someone to help! My number one recommendation is to have someone that is dedicated to watching the dog(s) when you can’t. This can be a friend, sibling, parent, etc. They will be there to help get your pup’s attention with toys or treats so they look towards the camera as well as holding or walking them when they are not being photographed. We don’t typically need them there the entire time so they can usually take them home during your outfit change.
  2. Be sure to bring a bribe. Some dogs love a certain toy or treats which is a great way to get their attention. It’s also a way to reward them while shooting. In the summer time I also recommend brining some water because it gets HOT in Charleston.
  3. Don’t be afraid to dress them up! I love when my clients show up and their dog has on a special bowtie, fancy collar, cute bow or even a bandana! You guys get to get all dolled up, why not your pup too? This also goes for grooming. If you are planning to have your dog groomed, try and schedule it around your session date so they are all nice and trimmed up!
  4. Be sure we are going to shoot in a pet-friendly location. Certain venues may not allow dogs so if you want to include your pup in your session, it’s best to make sure we shoot somewhere they will be allowed.
  5. Be sure they get some exercise before your session. I know personally, my dogs are much less hassle and easier to control when they are a bit tuckered out. It’s not a bad idea to let them get out some of that excitable energy before your session so they are more likely to sit/lay down and less likely to be pulling at the leash the whole time.
  6. Have patience. This is the easiest thing to say and the hardest one to do. Trust me, I know from experience that you will want your pup to be the perfect angel for your photos and sometimes they just don’t want to cooperate. And that’s okay! Either way we will get lots of snuggles, puppy kisses and everything in between.

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