For Ryan’s 30th birthday he wanted a big beach trip with all of our friends. If you know Ryan, you know he would pretty much rather be at the beach every day of his life. Every year he and his friend get together for their annual “TOGA trip” (aka: guys trip). It’s a no-girls allowed beach trip for about 5 days. I consider myself lucky that the first year we started dating, I actually got invited to the TOGA trip to meet his friends, and then the next year I was already there for his older sister’s 30th birthday. Last year we didn’t do one because, well, COVID. So this year’s beach trip was the first time all the guys got to bring their wives/girlfriends on the trip! We had 16 people total in one massive house right on the water.
Now, if you’ve ever tried to plan a big trip with that many people you know there are bound to be some struggles. From who gets which room, to who is cooking which dinner and most importantly > what drinks is everyone bringing? But I have to say, it actually turned out to be less of a mess than I thought! We had 6 full days of sun out of a 7-day trip so that’s a huge win! Not to mention, there was a big fireworks show right off the pier on the 4th of July, which just happened to be about a mile down the beach from our house so we had the perfect view! We set up a campfire on the beach and watched the show 🙂
As for Ryan’s actual birthday (on the 5th) we went to dinner at a place called Watermen’s. Funny story, we saw the reviews and the menu and thought it was a fancy restaurant with outdoor seating on a patio that overlooked the water. Sounds AMAZING for a birthday dinner right?! Well, we showed up and what we missed in the description is that it was an order-at-the-counter and then find a seat, open patio type place. Very casual. So needless to say we were a bit over-dressed haha. However, the view was great and the food was DELICIOUS! So still definitely a win. To say that I am thankful I get to spend my life with this man is the biggest understatement. He is funny, kind, smart, adventurous and so supportive. We may have celebrated his birthday just this one week, but I get to celebrate how special he is a little bit every day 🙂

[…] Honestly, up until now it never really felt like my 30th birthday was going to be a big deal, but now that I am I keep saying to myself “Oh man, I’m 30!”. And luckily for me, people still seem to be shocked when I tell them I’m 30. So I will try and maintain that element of surprise moving forward haha. So goodbye to my 20’s and here’s to an even better decade full of adventures and surprises! If you want to see what we did for Ryan’s 30th birthday last year, check out my post about that trip here! […]