CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020

CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020


Kimi +& Marcus Proposal | Merchant & Trade | Charlotte, NC


Sep 22, 2021

Marcus planned the perfect proposal for his soon-to-be wife in Uptown Charlotte. He knew she loved the color yellow so the entire setup was covered in gorgeous yellow and ochre blooms! Kimi also works as a chemist so Marcus decorated this large chalkboard with the chemical equation for love • oxytocin + serotonin + dopamine • How sweet is that?! When he walked her up, she immediately burst into tears as he got down on one knee and proposed with a gorgeous oval diamond ring! The ring was seriously stunning. Scroll down to see it up close!

She was then surprised again when all of their family and friends came out from hiding to congratulate them on their new engagement!! One of her best friends even skipped going to a wedding in Greece so she could be there! You could easily tell how excited everyone was. Everything from start to finish was perfect and I am so lucky I was brought in to capture it all! Here’s to the happy couple – Kimi and Marcus – congratulations 🙂

Venue | Merchant & Trade

Planner | The Yes Girls

Florist | Wallflower Event Co

  1. […] met Kimi and Marcus for the first time last year when Marcus hired me to photograph his surprise proposal in Charlotte! I knew from the short time that I spent with them that they were a special couple. So […]

  2. […] their wedding journey from the very beginning. I met them when Marcus hired me to photograph their proposal and it was so fun to see them all the way through to their […]

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