CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020

CHARLESTON, SC • estd. 2020


Declan’s First Year | Six Months Old


Feb 14, 2024

I can’t believe our little man is already halfway to being 1!! Seriously, where did the time go? Six months old – I can’t believe it! These days are filled with trying new foods, since we’ve started solids now, and learning all the new skills. Declan moves all over the place now. He is getting better and better at crawling, pivoting and grabbing things. He has also been doing so well with his helmet! I was afraid that he was going to just hate it all the time because he always fussed when I put any sort of hat on him, but luckily he adjusted super quickly and doesn’t even seem to notice it anymore! Also, isn’t this little striped outfit set from Carter’s just the cutest! I love shopping for him haha.

A few more things I want to remember from him at six months:

• Declan loves to purse his lips and blow air in and out
• He is so fast on the floor now and is army crawling
• Little man is doing so well trying all his new foods! – We are only doing purees for the time being
• We fitted Declan for his helmet and will have to wear it for about 3 months
• One of his favorite toys right now is his little octopus teether toy
• He hasn’t really taken to drinking water yet, but we’re working on it
• Declan got to spend some time with his cousin Kane, who wanted to play with all of Declan’s toys
• We drove down to FL for Ryan’s cousin’s wedding and learned that Declan is still not great at traveling
• He has been doing so well napping and sleeping lately
• We officially transitioned to 2 naps per day

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